Cofounder & Editor-in-Chief
Mahdis Marzooghian
Mahdis Marzooghian is cofounder and editor-in-chief of Five on the Fifth. She has a master’s degree in professional writing from Towson University, and is an author, editor, and bridal gown sales manager based in McLean, Virginia. Her fiction and nonfiction have appeared in the Miso for Life anthology, Heartwood Literary Magazine, Welter Literary Journal (print), Mud Season Review, BULL Men’s Fiction, Lunch Ticket, Arkana Literary Journal, where her piece won the Editor’s Choice Award, and most recently in Nowruz Journal. Mahdis is the author of debut novel, “Death Has None” (Austin Macauley Publishers, 2023). She is a founding member of the PRWR Towson University Alumni Alliance Writers Retreat program at Still Point, WV.
Managing Editor
Rhea Dhanbhoora
Rhea Dhanbhoora is the managing editor of Five on the Fifth. She lives and writes in Upstate NY. Her work has appeared in various publications including Chronogram, Peripheries Journal, Artsy, Broccoli Mag, sPARKLE & bLINK, and JMWW, and been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and Best American Essays. "In Search of a Memory," one of the stories from her unpublished collection tracing the lives of Parsi Zoroastrian women in a gated community in India, was turned into a short film and screened at IIFA Miami. She’s currently Content Marketing Manager at Nutrisense, is on the Board for Quiet Lightning, and author of “Sandalwood-Scented Skeletons” (Finishing Line Press, 2022). Follow her work at